
金纳米颗粒已成为癌症治疗领域的新型工具,例如用作放射性治疗的辐射剂量促进剂以及化疗抗癌的药物载体。然而金纳米颗粒治疗的有效性取决于它是否能穿透癌细胞组织。单层细胞对于小尺寸金纳米颗粒的吸收性低于大尺寸金纳米颗粒,而多层组织型细胞的情况则相反。Ryerson University的Devika B. Chithrani等人研究了模拟血管瘤环境下,金纳米颗粒与组织型多层细胞的界面相互作用,首次实现对纳米颗粒穿透癌细胞组织的成像并分析了金纳米颗粒的传输机制。

撰写的综述发表于Nano-Micro Letters上2016年第8卷第1期.


Darren Yohan . Charmainne Cruje . Xiaofeng Lu . Devika B. Chithrani,Size-Dependent Gold Nanoparticle Interaction at Nano–Micro Interface Using Both Monolayer and Multilayer (Tissue-Like) Cell Models,Nano-Micro Lett. Nano-Micro Lett. (2016) 8(1):44-53, http://dx.doi:10.1007/s40820-015-0060-6

Fig. 1 Schematic explaining the size dependency of NP transport in monolayer versus multilayer. (a) Cellular uptake of smaller NPs is lower at monolayer level. (b) Larger GNPs have greater cell uptake than smaller GNPs at the monolayer level. (c) Smaller GNPs have better penetration in the multilayer tissue than larger GNPs. (d) Larger GNPs exhibit limited penetration through ECM

Fig. 2 Characterization of GNPs. (a), (b), (c) The dark-field hyperspectral image, mapped image using the reference spectra marked in red in (c), and reflectance spectra of GNPs of size 20 nm, respectively. (d), (e), (f) The dark-field hyperspectral image, mapped image using the reference spectra marked in red in (f), and reflectance spectra of GNPs of size 50 nm, respectively. (Color figure online)

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