
纳米医学正在新型医疗和诊断领域掀起一场新的革命。Rani Channamma 大学的J. Manjanna等人利用阿江榄仁提取物微波还原Cu(NO3)2 /AgNO3和多壁碳纳米管(MWCNT)的方法分别制备了Cu-MWCNTs和Ag-MWCNTs纳米复合物。这种植物化学官能化的复合材料具有高效杀菌活性,而对于细菌的抑制活性高于真菌。同时这种生物复合材料对于正常的上皮细胞无毒性,而对于常见癌细胞(MDA-MB-231, HeLa, SiHa, and Hep-G2)具有高度毒性:剂量10 ug mL-1时,正常上皮细胞存活率91 % 而癌细胞存活率为76 %。

撰写的综述发表于Nano-Micro Letters上2016年第8卷第2期.


S. Yallappa . J. Manjanna . B. L. Dhananjaya . U. Vishwanatha . B. Ravishankar . H. Gururaj . P. Niranjana . B. S. Hungund,Phytochemically Functionalized Cu and Ag Nanoparticles Embedded in MWCNTs for Enhanced Antimicrobial and Anticancer Properties,Nano-Micro Lett. (2016) 8(2):120-130, http://dx.doi:10.1007/s40820-015-0066-0

Fig. 1 Optical absorption spectra of Cu-MWCNTs (a) and Ag-MWCNTs (b). Inset photos show the color of reaction mixture before and after 300 s of irradiation. (Color figure online)

Fig. 2 Zeta potential of the Cu-MWCNTs and Ag-MWCNTs dispersion at different pH. The inset shows the corresponding photos in comparison with pristine MWCNTs. (Color figure online)


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