Aslam Hossain, K. Sakthipandi, A. K. M. Atique Ullah, Sanjay Roy
Nano-Micro Lett.(2019)11:103
2.NML综述 | 细胞膜仿生—纳米生物医药新技术
2. Cell Membrane Coating Technology: A Promising Strategy for Biomedical Applications
Yao Liu, Jingshan Luo, Xiaojia Chen, Wei Liu, Tongkai Chen
Nano-Micro Lett. (2019)11:100
3.NML综述 | 细胞纳米力学研究之”利器”—软体驱动器
3. Cell Nanomechanics Based on Dielectric Elastomer Actuator Device
Zhichao Li, Chao Gao, Sisi Fan, Jiang Zou, Guoying Gu, Mingdong Dong, Jie Song
Nano-Micro Lett.(2019)11:98
4.NML综述 | 带你深入了解可充电锌离子电池
4. Recent Progress on Zinc-Ion Rechargeable Batteries
Wangwang Xu, Ying Wang
Nano-Micro Lett.(2019)11:90
5.NML综述 | 半导体纳米材料外延异质结构的湿化学合成及应用
5. Wet-Chemical Synthesis and Applications of Semiconductor Nanomaterial-Based Epitaxial Heterostructures
Junze Chen, Qinglang Ma, Xue-Jun Wu, Liuxiao Li, Jiawei Liu, Hua Zhang
Nano-Micro Lett.(2019)11:86
6.NML综述 | 二维MXene如何助力光催化?
6. 2D MXenes as Co-catalysts in Photocatalysis: Synthetic Methods
Yuliang Sun, Xing Meng, Yohan Dall’Agnese, Chunxiang Dall’Agnese, Shengnan Duan, Yu Gao, Gang Chen, Xiao-Feng Wang
Nano-Micro Lett.(2019) 11:79
7.NML综述 | DLD知多少?新加坡NSU综述带你了解微流控生物医学新技术!
7. A Review on Deterministic Lateral Displacement for Particle Separation and Detection
Thoriq Salaf1,, Yi Zhang, Yong Zhang
Nano-Micro Lett.(2019)11:77
8.NML综述 | 电子皮肤大汇总!基于石墨烯的触觉传感器
8. Graphene Nanostructure-Based Tactile Sensors for Electronic Skin Applications
Pei Miao, Jian Wang, Congcong Zhang, Mingyuan Sun, Shanshan Cheng, Hong Liu
Nano-Micro Lett.(2019) 11:71
9.NML综述 | 一文解读锡基催化剂电催化还原CO2
9. Advances in Sn-Based Catalysts for Electrochemical CO2 Reduction
Shulin Zhao, Sheng Li, Tao Guo, Shuaishuai Zhang, Jing Wang, Yuping Wu, Yuhui Chen
Nano-Micro Lett.(2019) 11:62
10.NML综述 | 钙钛矿/硅串联太阳能电池:从详细的平衡极限计算到光子管理
10. Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells: From Detailed Balance Limit Calculations to Photon Management
Mohammad I. Hossain, Wayesh Qarony, Sainan Ma, Longhui Zeng, Dietmar Knipp, Yuen Hong Tsang
Nano-Micro Lett.(2019) 11:58
11.NML综述 | 具有大孔隙度的分层金属有机框架:合成,成果和挑战
11. Hierarchical Metal-Organic Frameworks with Macroporosity: Synthesis, Achievements, and Challenges
Huan V. Doan, Harina Amer Hamzah, Prasanth Karikkethu Prabhakaran, Chiara Petrillo, Valeska P. Ting
Nano-Micro Lett.(2019) 11:54
12. Recent Advances in 2D Lateral Heterostructures
Jianwei Wang, Zhiqiang Li, Haiyuan Chen, Guangwei Deng, Xiaobin Niu
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13.NML综述 | “原位X射线吸收光谱(XAS)”知多少?一文带你了解XAS近10年进展
13. In Situ X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Studies of Nanoscale Electrocatalysts
Maoyu Wang, Líney Árnadóttir, Zhichuan J. Xu, Zhenxing Feng
Nano-Micro Lett.(2019) 11:47
14.NML综述 | NASICON结构的NaTi2(PO4)3用于可持续储能
14. NASICON-Structured NaTi2(PO4)3 for Sustainable Energy Storage
Mingguang Wu, Wei Ni, Jin Hu, Jianmin Ma
Nano-Micro Lett.(2019) 11:44
15.NML综述 | MxSey(M = Fe,Co,Ni)及其复合材料在电化学储能和转化中的应用
15. Applications of MxSey (M=Fe, Co, Ni) and Their Composites in Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion
Huijie Zhou, Xiaxia Li, Yan Li, Mingbo Zheng, Huan Pang
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16.NML综述 | 可穿戴设备黑科技!“私人定制”摩擦纳米发电机
16. Spiral Steel Wire Based Fiber-Shaped Stretchable and Tailorable Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Wearable Power Source and Active Gesture Sensor
Lingjie Xie, Xiaoping Chen, Zhen Wen, Yanqin Yang, Jihong Shi, Chen Chen, Mingfa Peng, Yina Liu, Xuhui Sun
Nano-Micro Lett.(2019) 11:39
17.NML综述 | 争议与挑战: 低维含铅卤化物钙钛矿中发光中心和边界态的起源
17. Origin of Luminescent Centers and Edge States in Low-Dimensional Lead Halide Perovskites: Controversies, Challenges and Instructive Approaches
Jiming Bao, Viktor . Hadjiev
Nano-Micro Lett.(2019) 11:26
18. Biomass-Derived Porous Carbon-Based Nanostructures for Microwave Absorption
Huanqin Zhao, Yan Cheng, Wei Liu, Lieji Yang, Baoshan Zhang, Luyuan Paul Wang, Guangbin Ji, Zhichuan J. Xu
Nano-Micro Lett.(2019) 11:24
19. Nanogenerator-Based Self-Charging Energy Storage Devices
Kun Zhao, Yuanhao Wang, Lu Han, Yongfei Wang, Xudong Luo, Zhiqiang Zhang, Ya Yang
Nano-Micro Lett.(2019) 11:19
20. Housing Sulfur in Polymer Composite Frameworks for Li-S Batteries
Luke Hencz, Hao Chen, Han Yeu Ling, Yazhou Wang, Chao Lai, Huijun Zhao, Shanqing Zhang
Nano-Micro Lett.(2019) 11:17
21. Lead-Free Halide Double Perovskite Materials: A New Superstar Toward Green and Stable Optoelectronic Applications
Liang Chu, Waqar Ahmad, Wei Liu, Jian Yang, Rui Zhang, Yan Sun, Jianping Yang, Xing’ao Li
Nano-Micro Lett.(2019) 11:16
22. Recent Progress in the Fabrication, Properties, and Devices of Heterostructures Based on 2D Materials
Yanping Liu, Siyu Zhang, Jun He, Zhiming M. Wang, Zongwen Liu
Nano-Micro Lett.(2019) 11:13
23. Comprehensive Application of Graphene: Emphasis on Biomedical Concerns
S. Syama, P. V. Mohanan
Nano-Micro Lett.(2019) 11:6
24. Enhanced Roles of Carbon Architectures in High-Performance Lithium‑Ion Batteries
Lu Wang, Junwei Han, Debin Kong, Ying Tao, Quan-Hong Yang
Nano-Micro Lett.(2019) 11:5
25. Recent Progress on Engineering Highly Efcient Porous Semiconductor Photocatalysts Derived from Metal-Organic Frameworks
Wenwen Zhan, Liming Sun, Xiguang Han
Nano-Micro Lett.(2019) 11:1
26. Review of Water-Assisted Crystallization for TiO2 Nanotubes
Xiaoyi Wang, Dainan Zhang, Quanjun Xiang, Zhiyong Zhong, Yulong Liao
Nano-Micro Lett. (2018)10:77
27. Heterostructured Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Under Alkaline Conditions
Jumeng Wei, Min Zhou, Anchun Long, Yanming Xue, Hanbin Liao, Chao Wei, Zhichuan J. Xu
Nano-Micro Lett. (2018) 10:75
28.NML综述 | 碳点的绿色合成、发光特性及其生物医学传感应用
28. Biogreen Synthesis of Carbon Dots for Biotechnology and Nanomedicine Applications
Kok Ken Chan, Stephanie Hui Kit Yap, Ken-Tye Yong
Nano-Micro Lett. (2018) 10:72
29.NML综述 | 超越石墨烯:新型二维材料在金属离子电池和超级电容器中的应用
29. Beyond Graphene Anode Materials for Emerging Metal Ion Batteries and Supercapacitors
Santanu Mukherjee, Zhongkan Ren, Gurpreet Singh
Nano-Micro Lett. (2018) 10:70
30. NML综述|三元钨酸盐基光催化剂在太阳能光解水和环境治理中的应用
30. Nanostructured Ternary Metal Tungstate-Based Photocatalystsfor Environmental Purification and Solar Water Splitting: A Review
Jun Ke, M. Adnan Younis, Yan Kong, Hongru Zhou, Jie Liu, Lecheng Lei1, Yang Hou
Nano-Micro Lett. (2018) 10:69
31.NML综述 | 光伏混合卤化物钙钛矿的合成与性能研究进展
31. Recent Advances in Synthesis and Properties of Hybrid Halide Perovskites for Photovoltaics
C. C. Vidyasagar, Blanca M, Mun˜oz Flores, Vı´ctor M, Jime´nez Pe´rez
Nano-Micro Lett. (2018) 10:68
32. Layered Trichalcogenidophosphate: A New Catalyst Familyfor Water Splitting
Cheng-Feng Du, Qinghua Liang, Raksha Dangol, Jin Zhao, Hao Ren, Srinivasan Madhavi, Qingyu Yan
Nano-Micro Lett. (2018) 10:67
33. Recent Progress on Two-Dimensional Nanoflake Ensembles for Energy Storage Applications
Huicong Xia, Qun Xu, Jianan Zhang
Nano-Micro Lett. (2018) 10:66
34.NML综述 | 基于MOFs材料的环境污染物检测传感器
34. Metal-Organic Framework-Based Sensors for Environmental Contaminant Sensing
Xian Fang, Boyang Zong, Shun Mao
Nano-Micro Lett. (2018) 10:64
35.NML综述 | 等离子体质谱法检测小营养物质和毒素
35. A Plasmonic Mass Spectrometry Approach for Detection of Small Nutrients and Toxins
Shu Wu, Linxi Qian, Lin Huang, Xuming Sun, Haiyang Su, Deepanjali D. Gurav, Mawei Jiang, Wei Cai, Kun Qian
Nano-Micro Lett. (2018) 10:52
36.NML综述 | 核-壳纳米结构:高性能锂/钠离子电池负极材料
36. A Review: Enhanced Anodes of Li/Na-Ion Batteries Based on Yolk-Shell Structured Nanomaterials
Cuo Wu, Xin Tong, Yuanfei Ai, De-Sheng Liu, Peng Yu, Jiang Wu, Zhiming M. Wang
Nano-Micro Lett. (2018) 10:40
37.NML综述 | 基于表面应力的微型压阻式SU-8聚合物悬臂梁传感器
37. A Review on Surface Stress-Based Miniaturized Piezoresistive SU-8 Polymeric Cantilever Sensors
Ribu Mathew, A. Ravi Sankar
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38.NML综述 | 分子动力学模拟:超级电容器电极材料设计
38. Design of Supercapacitor Electrodes Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Zheng Bo, Changwen, Huachao Yang, Kostya Ostrikov, Jianhua Yan,Kefa Cen
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39.NML综述 | 石墨烯可成为钙钛矿太阳能电池的下一代材料吗?
39. A Mini Review: Can Graphene Be a Novel Materialfor Perovskite Solar Cell Applications?
Eng Liang Lim, Chi Chin Yap, Mohammad Hafizuddin Hj Jumali, Mohd Asri Mat Teridi, Chin Hoong Teh
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40.NML综述 | 基于二维过渡金属氧化物和硫化物的光催化剂
40. Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Oxide and ChalcogenideBased Photocatalysts
Farjana Haque, Torben Daeneke, Kourosh Kalantar-zadeh, Jian Zhen Ou
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41.NML综述 | 基于金纳米颗粒的光响应脂质体给药系统
41. A Concise Review of Gold Nanoparticles-Based Photo-Responsive Liposomes for Controlled Drug Delivery
Malathi Mathiyazhakan, Christian Wiraja, Chenjie Xu
Nano-Micro Lett. (2018) 10:10
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